Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report 2021

26 Global R&D edge The momentum for sustainability comes from the opportunity to move at the speed of science at our world-class R&D and technology centers in India, the UK, and the US. By harnessing the power of data and technology, green chemistry transformations, targeted analytical and development support, and operational excellence, our scientists and process engineers are empowered to effectively combine science and business goals. Data driven decision making We use cutting edge tools for statistical design of experiments and advanced automation in process design. We have access to innovative chemistry equipment that facilitates a rapid and more thorough understanding of process parameters and supports process optimization by identifying important factors quickly through insitu reaction monitoring. We are able to pursue accelerated scale up with the use of process modelling software and achieve reduction in deviations at scale. Integrating business workflows for better customer outcomes: SaiGO Contributing to a key part of development of new medicines requires several disciplines to work together collaboratively and harness innovation with a defined approach to make sure we deliver successfully. The SaiGo approach provides a framework to deliver innovation within a well-defined business process to ensure we meet customer needs. As we implement the different dimensions of the operational excellence model in R&D and Technology transfer, our focus is on effectively engaging diverse scientists as a cross functional team and navigating business related needs of speed, cost effectiveness and sustainability while immersing in science related new advances. • Addressing cost effectiveness and speed • Rapid start, fit for purpose route screening, selection and scale up • Phase appropriate analytical method development Early Phase Mid to Late Phase • Addressing the quality of science through – Detailed process development – Robust manufacturing process including green chemistry