Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

70 Key highlights of green chemistry practices to improve greenness index S.No. Products % increase in greenness index Greeness Index (%) Specific water Consumption Atom Economy Reaction Mass Efficiency E-Factor Carbon Efficiency Chemical Yield Greenness of Solvent Specific solvent consumption No. of solvents Used Solvent Recovery 10% 5% 15% 15% 5% 10% 20% 10% 5% 5% 1 Product A 148 Before 23.91 0.00 1.95 3.28 9.84 2.94 2 0 3.85 0 0 After 59.31 5.86 3.40 9.99 12.76 4.09 4.85 6.6 6.46 2 3.3 2 Product B 66 Before 42.17 8.29 1.28 0.13 12.13 3.34 8 0 9.10 0 0 After 69.83 10.00 1.94 0.10 14.88 3.34 8.38 13.2 9.69 5 3.3 3 Product C 49 Before 38.69 0.11 0.08 6.19 14.67 2.42 4 6.6 4.79 0 0 After 57.71 4.19 0.92 8.38 14.79 2.42 6.18 6.6 7.93 3 3.3 Sl. No. Product Key highlights 1 Product A • Developed a process with single solvent (Methanol) and eliminated other solvents (DCM, Isopropyl acetate, Heptane) from process. • Eliminated usage of water (30 vol.) from process and significantly reduced the effluent from overall process. • Simplified the work up operations and reduced the batch cycle time. 2 Product B • Developed a safer process to operate by eliminating Bromine and using wet Benzoyl Peroxide instead. • Developed the process with the significant improvement in PMI, E-factor and atom efficiency etc. • Developed robust process with high consistency in the yield and purity. 3 Product C • Developed and implemented Chemo-Enzymatic methodology for an oxidation reaction on desired scale. • Eliminated the exothermic event by introducing slow generation of key oxidising agent through Green method in the system. • Streamlined the isolation procedure using environmental benign solvent with ~40% yield improvement. Green chemistry